Looking good and feeling fine can seem like a battle at times. Whether it's because you are short on time, money, or motivation, having an arsenal of hidden tricks and hacks up your sleeve can be a complete game-changer. Forget those lengthy full tutorial vids on spending hours contouring or those costly beauty tips that have you stretching your budget to the brim. We have rounded up some of the best and easiest beauty secrets on the web to keep you feeling clean-cut and comely without the need for blood, sweat and tears. Take a look at these easy-breezy beauty hacks...
Makeup Hacks
Use the Triangle Trick
Fancy a mini facelift to hide the after-effects of a hard day’s night? Instead of smearing your lower eye with concealer which can throw the balance out on your face, you can draw an upside-down triangle with the concealer. Because it has the same effect as holding a light up to your face in the way it casts shadows, it makes you look dewy and fresh.
Tip Your Eyeliner Down for Puppy Eyes
While a perfect cat eye is cool, those who want to make their peepers pop and look larger can drag their eyeliner down when they get to the edge of the eyelid rather than flicking up. This is one of those Korean beauty hacks that has taken the internet by storm. The result is larger looking eyes.
Make Your Own Tinted Moisturizer
Odds are you have all you need just sitting in your makeup bag rather than dashing out to get a brand-new tinted moisturizer. If you have a foundation that isn't quite the right shade or viscosity, simply mix a little in with your fave moisturizer for a fresh-faced finish. Start with a 1.1 ratio and adjust as you go until you get it right.
Powder Your Lipstick
The world will have you believe that flawless lips don't exist, but this is one of those beauty hacks that can keep you looking polished throughout the day without having to touch up your lipstick once. After applying lipstick, you can blot through tissue with a sweep of translucent loose powder for the perfect finish.
Save Mascara with Saline
For those dried and flaked out mascara tubes, you can bring them back to life by adding a few drops of saline solution. This won't mess with your makeup but will simply help moisten the formula and keep it dewy and damp and ever ready to bring space and shape to your peepers.
A Magic Manicure
If you want to avoid looking like a five-year-old has painted your nails, get a tidy paint job by dipping a q tip in Vaseline and applying it to cuticles and nail edges to create a barrier for your nail polish. Speed up time and dry freshly painted nails faster by plunging your hands into a bowl of ice water. You can also blast your newly painted nails with cold air from your blow dryer.
Powder Your Lashes
Speaking of bringing more length to those lashes, you can dust a little translucent powder on them in-between mascara strokes to lend them a naturally thicker and filled out vibe. Use an eyelash curler first before adding a mascara coat. Grab a fluffy style powder brush and give your lashes a light dusting. Light is key to avoid the clump. Add one more coat of mascara and you are good to go.
Wake Up with a Nude Eyeliner
If you have been partying a little hard and it's starting to show, brighten your eyes by slipping on some nude eyeliner along your lower lids. In Hollywood, it was once white eyeliner for pulling off this trick, but the nude version is a little softer and makes you look wide awake.
Clear Stains with Shaving Cream
If you have a liquid highlighter smudge or foundation on your fave white t-shirt, simply squirt a dab of shaving cream on it as an easy prewash treatment.
Heat Up Your Lash Curler First
If you are looking for even more drama for your eyes or if you just want to curl and go rather than bothering with the whole eye shadow and mascara treatment, use a blow dryer to heat your lash curlers first. Of course, wait for the curlers to cool a little before clamping down on your lashes. The added element of heat will make them curl quicker, deeper, and will also help them to last longer.
Tame Unruly Brows
A small amount of petroleum jelly on your brows can streamline stray hairs and make it easier to pluck those standout strands.
Turn Eyeshadow to Lip Gloss
Got an eye shadow that you love? Rather than trying to hunt it down in lipstick form simply use it on your lips. Dab a little bit of your chosen eyeshadow onto dry, clean, and soft lips before slicking with a little lip balm or beeswax to create a hint of added shine.
All-Natural Beauty Treatments
De-Puff with Tea
If you haven't been hitting the hay hard enough and are battling dark circles beneath the eyes, you can skip the concealer until you find time to get enough sleep. Simply place cold green tea bags over your eyes for five minutes and let them get to work tightening the skin and reducing the puff so you look fresh once more.
Make a Coffee Scrub
Give your body a brightening boost by making your own natural body scrub at home. Start saving your ground coffee from your morning cup and mix with coconut oil and a little brown sugar for a simple scrub. Coffee will brighten the skin by boosting circulation and the coconut oil will make everything as soft as can be.
Get Beachy Hair
Longing for beautiful beach hair but landlocked? Fear not, a little salt spray spritz and your inner surf girl is all geared up to go. Mix a teaspoon of salt with seltzer in a spritz bottle and squirt and scrunch your hair from ends to scalp. For added mermaid oomph, you can braid your hair before liberally applying your salt spray, wait for it to dry and let those waves tumble.
Soothe Sun Crisped Skin
If you haven't been careful this summer and your face is suffering from patchy colors or angry red splotches and dry skin patches, you can soothe with the quenching delight of watermelon juice and honey. Just one tablespoon of watermelon juice mixed with a little raw honey and applied to your face for a while will work wonders. A super hydrating natural serum, this is a beauty hack to stash under your hat.
Vaseline your Pulse Points
If you want to make a perfume last even longer, be sure to rub a little petroleum jelly onto your pulse points prior to spritzing. The scent will cling to the Vaseline surrounding you in your favorite scent all day long.
Hair Hacks
Prop Up Your Pony
For those who are tired of having a lackluster flop of a ponytail, you can use bobby pins to prop it up and give it a little lift. Simply put your hair in a pony and then insert a couple of pins inside the elastic band and facing downwards. Flip your pony back and give it a little fluff for a fuller look.
Powder Your Hair Line
Find an eyeshadow in a similar shade to your hair and dust it along your hairline and parting to fill in the gaps and make your hair look thick and full.
Dry Shampoo Before Bed
While so many of us are familiar with the old fall out of bed and dry shampoo routine, you can actually get better results if you dry poo before your head hits the pillow. This is because your hair will absorb the dry shampoo overnight and will look healthy and clean when you wake up - just as though you've had a wash.
Shine Bright with Apple Cider
If you want to give your hair a golden shine, simply reach for the apple cider vinegar. One part vinegar, one part water, and applying post shampoo instead of heavy conditioner can be all you need to lift your locks to gleaming new heights. Rinse with cold water for a healthier-looking head of shiny hair.
Hairspray Your Hands
Instead of going wild with the hairspray around your head, keep it simple and give your hands a quick spray instead. Then you can run your hands through your hair to tame flyaway strands without making your whole head stiff.
Braid your Bangs
If you are in that annoying in-between phase of growing out your bangs, you can make them look super cute by French braiding them away from your face.
Which of these easy home beauty hacks will you be adopting? We'd also love to hear your own tips and tidbits to help us with our own routines. Share all your thoughts and more with us in the comments.
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