Empowering women is our purest passion and one of the main reasons we do what we do at Sozy. As a woman-owned business, our mission is to use our place in this world to lift other women up and to use our collective power to liberate others in what small ways we can.
We are so proud to be partners with RAINN and to honor the incredible work that they do. In a world that can be difficult for women, we think its truly important to support survivors.
Showing support for survivors can be paramount to recovery and self-esteem in women who have been through trauma. Vocalizing that support can also help to validate someone’s bravery in speaking up and reinforces the importance of believing survivors.
Being able to speak about trauma is said to be one of the first steps in the recovery process and can pave the way for others to speak out too. The more we work to support survivors, the closer we get to exposing violence against women in our global culture and rooting it out of the shadows to put a stop to it for good.
At Sozy, we want to reduce the stigma around speaking up about sexual violence and to honor women’s voices around the world. RAINN do invaluable work and we support them in our whole body and hearts for the awesome impact they are making.
What Is RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)?
RAINN stands for Rape, Abuse &Incest National Network. They are one of the most trusted and well-connected organizations in the USA and are set up to direct survivors to local support services.
One call to RAINN and women can get the help and support they need on the ground locally. RAINN partner with over a thousand localized sexual assault service providers meaning they are able to swiftly direct survivors to the right local support network.
For more than a quarter of a century, RAINN have been extending a hand to women who need to be believed, validated, and supported. They have helped over three million people and they also do incredible work when it comes to educating and training and even bringing cases to justice. Find out more about the wonderful work offered by RAINN.
Victim Services
Helping survivors to find their feet again is one of the most important services offered by RAINN. They work closely with a huge range of specialist sectors across the USA and no matter what stage people are in when it comes to their recovery journey, RAINN ensures a gentle and compassionate person centered approach is always taken.
RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline, which is open around the clock, every single day of the year. For those that can’t get to the phone, they also have an ongoing online service which offers the same dedicated level of care. The aim of the hotline is to listen and connect survivors with the next step, by being directed to safe and local support services. RAINN also offer the same help, advice, and connections for those dealing with the sexual assault of a loved one.
Public Education
As part of RAINN’s mission they understand that public education plays a huge role in bringing an end to violence against women. Working with modern day media and entertainment services, along with having experts across the country, RAINN has been recognized as a trusted source on commentary, news, and collected stories on the issues around sexual violence.
They work with students to provide prevention and recovery on campus, they work with film and media to ensure that showcasing sexual violent crimes reflect the reality, and they operate a speakers bureau with more than 3500 survivors who want to share their stories. This collection of material and input from all angles is what is needed to change the narrative around sexual violence and to all band together to create lasting cultural change.
Public Policies
Getting to the core of the matter has always been a priority for RAINN and they recognize the importance of public policy and working to bring offenders to justice. The policy team are constantly working to make communities safer and to fully support survivors through recovery, both emotionally and also through advocating for positive changes to be made when it comes to law and legislation.
Some of the policies that RAINN are dedicated to changing include ending the rape kit backlog and improving federal response to sexual violence. From justice to education and human health services, RAINN go all the way in working towards a shift in the system to make it better equipped to support survivors.
Consulting & Training
Bringing years of expertise in the field of sexual violence and survivor recovery, RAINN also works to spread the word and to make positive allies out of all of us. Their dedicated consulting and training services delve deep into the public sector and also the nonprofit sector to ensure that communities and services have the appropriate knowledge and resources to offer compassionate care in their response to survivors and to build safer communities.
Infrastructure is also carefully put in place and dual language crisis hotline services are offered in English and Spanish to help as many people as possible. Trauma informed and survivor centric response programs are fully assessed and implemented into as many ports of call for possible as RAINN aims to build a world where points of contact are well-prepared to support survivors with the care and compassion that is needed to heal.
RAINN do the most incredible work and we love them for providing a guiding light for survivors and for helping to create a seismic shift in society. We all want to live in a safe and nurturing world free from violence and fear and this is the energy that RAINN bring to the table. At SOZY we want every purchase to have a purpose and for women to have the resources to empower other women. We dedicate 10% of our profits to support survivors of sexual violence and we hope you will join us in our support for the awesome services of RAINN.
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