Power in Numbers: Why We Love 1 Percent for the Planet – Sozy


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Power in Numbers: Why We Love 1 Percent for the Planet

1 percent for the planet


We all share this beautiful planet and it's up to all of us to protect it. From ocean sunsets to wild river swims, national park hikes and gulping down crystal clean air, now more than ever, these times have taught us the grace, beauty, and incredible health benefits of the great outdoors.

At Sozy, we are serious about our environmental responsibility.

From planting as many trees as possible to committing to being carbon neutral, and dedicating 1 percent to the planet, these are a few actionable ways in which we are trying to make a positive impact on the climate crisis.


One Percent For The Planet


An alliance of businesses that come together to dedicate one percent of their sales to grassroots environmental action and approved nonprofit partners, 1 Percent for the Planet recognizes that there is great strength in numbers when we all come together to do our bit.

1 Percent for the Planet was kickstarted when two businessmen met and became inspired by their love of nature to give something back. They both decided to commit one percent of their annual sales to help protect the planet and realized they could encourage other businesses to do the same.

The idea was and remains that there is power in unity and that something huge and abstract like fighting climate change can become a simple reality when we collaborate and share the weight.

The other essential component of the idea was to put our commitment to the planet above profit and dedicate that 1 percent of sales whether or not it was profitable. These two businessmen were Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard and Craig Mathews of the Blue Ribbon Flies brand.


What The Organization Wants To Accomplish


The baseline mission behind 1 Percent for the Planet is to bring dollars and doers together. Their global network is diverse and sprawling and growing every single day. We all have our own 1 percent of the planet that we care about.

Whether it's wanting to protect a certain piece of land, help keep animals safe, a desire to spread environmental education, changing everyday actions, supporting renewable energy, or cutting down on pollution, whether you want to give your contribution to grassroots environmental groups or dedicate it to those seeking environmental solutions, you get to fund the issues you care about.

1 Percent for the Planet is solution-based, they look to smart environmental giving policies to make sure that the issues that matter most are getting the help and support they need.

By working with a range of environmental nonprofit organizations, 1 Percent for the Planet is committed to making positive change across some of the following areas:

  • Overcoming the present threat of climate change through positive action
  • Creating sustainable food systems across the world
  • Conserving and protecting land
  • Cutting carbon emissions and reducing pollution
  • Cleaning up the environment
  • Global action to restore and protect the quality of all water on the planet
  • Conserve and protect biodiversity


The Organization's Key Strategies For Making This Happen


1 Percent for the Planet works on a super simple business model, inviting members to join the organization and to dedicate to giving the equivalent of 1 percent of their gross annual sales to an approved nonprofit partner and environmental organizations.

They make becoming an active planet member easy as they pair your company with an environmental cause you care about. You also donate directly to the non-profit partners without any intermediary input as it helps forge awesome and meaningful relationships with the cause.

It's not just big organizations and companies that can sign up to help create a healthy planet, you can become an individual member too. Individuals are invited to dedicate 1 percent of their annual salary to the planet movement by picking a global organization that partner with 1 Percent for the Planet.

If you want to take a deeper dive into what the world will look like if we all do our bit and give just one percent to the planet, this page right here maps out all the solutions that these diverse environmental organizations are tackling.


How We Can Know If They Are Making Progress

In 2019, 1 Percent for the Planet hit many high notes when it came to making a lasting impact. Alongside their environmental non-profit organizations, this planet network came together and gave 41% to helping the climate, 21% to protect land, 15% to keep our waters clean and clear, 10% to sustainable food solutions, 7% to protect wildlife, and 6% to combat dirty air. Follow their page and their blog to see updated stories of their work in action alongside their environmental nonprofit partners.


What They Have Accomplished So Far

Since realizing their vision and making it a reality, 1 Percent for the Planet and their members have given $270 million to approved environmental non-profits. This truly shows the power that is possible when we come together and heed the call to do our bit when it comes to corporate responsibility.


What’s Next For The Organization And Its Members

In the wake of the global crisis, we hope that this encourages more companies to sign up for annual membership and for more financial donations to be granted to nonprofits so the good work only has the chance to grow. It's exciting to be part of this growing global movement and with more of us becoming conscientious consumers, there is truly the chance to make a difference.


Nonprofits Fighting For Environmental Justice


The following nonprofits are just a taste of the awesome people out there doing awesome work. Take a look at these environmental warriors that are fighting for a better world for all...

Indigenous Environmental Network

Website: https://www.ienearth.org/
Location: USA

Who they are helping: Helping to educate and spread the philosophy and supportive action for respecting and implementing the sacred laws and teachings of indigenous communities.

What your donations will do: Support indigenous communities directly by helping tribal governments to develop techniques that ensure the safeguarding of sovereignty and their land

Union of Concerned Scientists

Website: https://www.ucsusa.org/
Location: USA

Who they are helping: It's imperative to have science backing the climate corner, and this is exactly what the Union of Concerned Scientists does. Rather than a big nonprofit organization, UCS are a group of independent scientists collecting information, solving problems, and using their credibility to have a greater impact on solving the issues of climate action.

What your donations will do: From fighting misinformation to funding research, communicating with everyone from the general public to the media and lawmakers and mobilizing action, the UCS is doing timely essential work.

Global Wildlife Conservation

Website: https://www.globalwildlife.org/
Location: Worldwide

Who they are helping: Preserving plants, animals, ecosystems and the great diversity of life is what this org is about. With a mission to stop mass extinction, to focus on the forgotten species at risk of slipping through the cracks, and helping people to become the guardians of the natural environment, this nonprofit puts its money where its mouth is when it comes to environmental protection.

What your donations will do: By partnering with local on the ground organizations in different areas, this allows global wildlife to keep expenses low so your donations can go straight to the good stuff. From funding expeditions to find lost species to helping babies hatch, 100% of your money goes directly to fieldwork.

Labor Network for Sustainability

Website: https://www.labor4sustainability.org/
Location: USA

Who they are helping: Lending a much-needed hand to communities, farmers, and workers that are affected by the global movement to renewable energy, Labor for Sustainability is doing incredibly important work. It helps to protect workers from the damage done by capitalism, racism, and climate action as we pivot away from gas, oil, and other industries that have helped prop up communities and workers in the past.

What your donations will do: Creating thriving partnerships based on sustainability for a better future for all, Labor 4 Sustainability helps unions and workers with essential resources when it comes to organizing, taking political action, and making changes geared towards positive planet commitment. They also fund research and surveys on climate action.


Website: https://350.org/
Location: International

Who they are helping: The power of ordinary people knows no limits if you take on the message of 350.org. This company gets its name from the ideal number of CO2 in the atmosphere and this is what it's aiming for. An international movement of ordinary people working together to create lasting change, they also focus on intersectionality within the climate crisis by amplifying marginalized voices and building care within communities.

What your donations will do: Keep building on that amazing momentum by 350.org as your donations will help them build upon their resources (the website is brimming with great resources), give back and help with education in communities, and have the ability to put pressure on all the right places to fight for legislative change.

The Center on Race, Poverty, and the Environment

Website: https://crpe-ej.org/
Location: USA

Who they are helping: The Center on Race, Poverty, and the Environment is an incredible grassroots group providing legal and technical assistance in San Joaquin Valley in California. With an emphasis on helping low-income communities. They cover a whole range of issues from toxicity to community investment and agriculture.

What your donations will do: From helping set up sustainable agriculture practice to giving space to forgotten voices and building change from the ground up. As it’s a grassroots non-profit organization, your money goes right to the heart of the matter.


We love being a member of 1 Percent for the Planet and at Sozy we are doing all that we can to give back to this beautiful world of ours. What are your thoughts on 1 Percent for the Planet and which nonprofits are you loving in the environmental space? Share with us in the comments.


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