20 Tiny Ways You Can Fight Climate Change – Sozy


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20 Tiny Ways You Can Fight Climate Change



Famed climate activist Greta Thunberg said that ‘No-one was too small to make a difference’, and the same goes for acting upon climate change.

While you may think that to tackle climate change you need to commit to grand gestures like cutting out flying altogether or moving into the forest and growing your own food, there are actually actionable tiny decisions you can make today that could help reduce your carbon footprint.

Take a look at these pint-sized ideas for tackling climate change today…


What Are 5 Effects Of Climate Change?

First of all, it's worth looking at a few of the reasons why it's so important to fight against climate change. From global warming to carbon emissions, the consequences of every choice whether it be a meat consumption diet or the decision to take air travel home at thanksgiving - all these things have a knock-on effect when it comes to the health and wellbeing of Mother Earth and the species that occupy this space.

The effects of climate change are a very real threat. Rising temperatures from greenhouse gas emissions lead to drought and a lesser yield of crops, not to mention diminishing water supplies. Sea levels are on the rise and polar caps are melting which can lead to many people around the world losing their homes and livelihoods from hurricanes, coastal erosion, wildfires, and other such global climate disasters.

Pardon the pun, but this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the problems of rising carbon emissions and greenhouse gases.

Take a look at the 5 major effects of climate change and why we need to all get involved in climate action right now...

  • Rising sea levels - As the planet gets warmer and the ice caps melt, our sea levels start to rise, leading to flooding and coastal erosion, not to mention the oceans becoming more acidic which affects aquatic life.
  • More natural disasters - Flooding, wildfires, intense hurricanes, and long periods of drought from extreme heatwaves all lead to the destruction of the environment, loss of natural habitats, and wreak havoc on human life and livelihoods too.
  • Food and water scarcity - One of the most frightening aspects of climate change is the pathway to food and water shortages. As droughts can lead to water supplies drying up and the growth of crops failing as they battle the elements, this will undoubtedly have a negative effect on the life of all humans and other species.
  • Poor health- As the fossil fuel industry keeps pumping and the planet gets warmer, another side effector the climate crisis will be the growth in air pollution. At a time when we all need better lung health to heal especially with the rise of COVID-19, the exasperated health risks of a rise in smog and soot are worrying for all. Health, in general, is set to decline with the rise of carbon pollution as it will lead to water contamination, less nutrition in produce, a rise in asthma, not to mention a wetter and warmer world climate being a breeding ground for mosquito-borne illnesses like malaria, West Nile, and dengue.

If the idea of a carbon ravaged world isn't sounding like the best way forward, here are a few small changes you can make in your own life to be a part of the solution and to fight climate change....


Reduce Energy Consumption


Every home uses energy, and one of the ultimate goals of climate change is to get to a place where we become a lot more energy-efficient and even switch to greener options. In your home right now, consider how you can be more energy efficient.

Perhaps you can sign up for solar panels or maybe you can put a timer on your shower to reduce your water use, maybe you can swap all your bulbs LED lightbulbs for energy efficiency or even use the cold water cycle on your washing machine. Ditch the clothes dryer altogether and air dry your clothes. These slight tweaks can make a big difference in lowering your overall energy consumption.


Buy Used or Buy Once

One of the surprising ways in which we are making a huge dent on the planet is via our commitment to consumption. When it comes to spending money on new things, it is worth considering whether you can buy used instead.

From technology to kitchen utensils and frivolous items, it is often kinder to the planet to scour preloved sites to see if you can strike a bargain there. If you need to buy new then be sure to pick companies and products that make stuff that is sure to last rather than spending a little less and having it fall apart on you in less than a year.


Invest in your Home

All you homeowners out there who have the means to invest in your space, one of the best things you can do to help when it comes to your personal energy use is to make sure that your space is well insulated and watertight. Correctly insulating your home means that you will need to use less energy to heat it during the winter and will also mean that you won't need to crank up the air conditioner in the summer.


Reduce Food Waste

When we waste food we are also wasting the resources it took to produce that food so it's really an environmental problem. Then there's the worry of food waste going to the landfill and directly contributing to methane gases and the greenhouse effect.

To reduce food waste, you can start by meal planning to avoid overbuying, designing meals that include leftovers, and making great use of your freezer when learning how to fight climate change.


Brush up on Knowledge

While burying our heads in the sand can be one way to avoid the anxiety that comes with climate change, knowledge is power. By getting into a habit of reading up about fossil fuels and the rise of carbon dioxide and climate legislation it can help you to make informed decisions and to help strike up conversations with your peers about the data and what the scientists say.

We all know that social media can be a toxic place but if you have the data and the details, you may be able to effectively contribute to online conversations and help other people to have a deeper understanding of the problems we face and what we can do to implement climate policies to save the world.

These are some reputable sources on climate change and how to do your part:


 Change Your Diet


The decisions we make about what we eat can also have a powerful positive imprint on the climate emergency. Even if you decide that going vegan or vegetarian isn’t the right choice for you, there are still ways in which you can make slight changes to your diet.

Buying seasonal produce grown on your doorstep, cutting down on your meat and dairy intake, ordering local from the menu, and opting for organic choices can all add up to reducing the huge pressure on the environment.


Switch to Green Energy Provider

As more and more businesses start to join the fight to reduce emissions and to contribute to the rise of renewable energy it may be time to take a good hard look at what your own utility company are up to. Not all utility companies are born equal and if yours aren't implementing changes towards a brighter future committed to clean energy then it may be time to swap to another company that is taking those strides.


Donate to Climate Friendly Charities

If you are in the position to make a donation then consider digging deep and contributing to a climate orientated charity. Whether you choose Coalition for Rainforest Nations or the Climate Emergency Fund, there are a ton of amazing non-profits out there. You can even make a tax deductible donation to help heal the planet.


Get Recycling

A staggering fifty percent of recycled goods actually come from household waste! So if you want to make a simple change that has a direct impact on climate action, simply start by separating your glass, cardboard and paper, and all the stuff that can and cannot be recycled.


Consider Natural Light

One tiny home change you can make is to consider how natural light comes in and set up your space to make the most of this. By simply placing desks in front of the window you can reduce the amount of time you rely on lamps and even heaters as you get to enjoy nature’s radiant gifts of light and warmth from the sun.


Plant Things

If you have access to land or even just a garden, start getting those fingers in the ground. Whether you plant a tree or just work to grow your own fruit and vegetables, you will be helping to reduce fossil fuel use and transportation costs by simply walking out into your own backyard. Of course, the more self sufficient you can be in building your own beautiful organic food supply – the better, but even for those who don’t have tons of space, just growing herbs or a single tomato plant is better than nothing.


Reduce Plastic


Plastic is the big problem choking the world right now and its vital that we all take a look at those small ways we can reduce carbon footprints and our own plastic consumption. Whether it's swapping out your plastic water bottles for a refillable bottle, choosing to use bamboo razors instead of the disposable kind, and taking a fabric bag with you the nest time you go shopping. If we can manage to reduce our single-use plastic consumption we can make a big difference in reducing those nasty greenhouse gasses.


Buy Seasonal

For those who don’t have the time or space to plant their own supplies then make a conscious choice when shopping to buy local and to buy seasonal. When you choose locally grown seasonal produce you are helping to cut down on your carbon footprint as it won’t need to rely on air or ground fuel to be transported to you. Buying seasonally also means the food source was able to thrive in more natural conditions without relying on pesticides and fertilizer and more water than was naturally necessary.


Rethink Water

There are many ways we take water for granted in our homes that even go beyond the basic principles of skip baths and shower instead. From a leaky tap that accumulates great water waste to half full washing machines, letting the water run while we rinse dishes or brush our teeth, all this water adds up and it takes a lot of energy to collect, treat, pump and heat. Whether its tightening taps or cold water washes, buying appliances that are eco water friendly or timers on showers – there are many small tweaks to help reduce your water waste.


Go Local


While flying is certainly getting a bad rap for its rise, we understand that avoiding flying altogether isn’t always an option. This doesn’t mean you can’t trim down where and when you choose to go by air. and that you can certainly think about alternative transportation systems. Instead of flying to that neighboring state for a weekend, consider choosing somewhere closer to home, looking at train travel or even doing rideshare. The same methodology can also apply to driving. Instead of driving to the local store, take a walk or go via bicycle or public transportation when it's safe and sound to do so. It’s those tiny tweaks that all add up. Of course, you cannot cycle to a new continent, but you can push a little harder to pedal to your friend's house or local places like the store.


Invest in Experiences

With holidays comes the tradition of gift giving but as we have already touched upon, buying endless stuff often leads to higher levels of pollution and landfills piling up. Instead of treating yourself and the ones you love to novelty items or stuff they don’t really need, consider investing in experiences instead. From massages and movie nights to restaurant vouchers or skill shares, there are so many amazing ways to show you care without adding to the weight of the planet.


Cut Down on Packaging

From skipping the plastic bags at the supermarket to buying a reusable coffee cup, shopping for vegetables in grocers that don’t wrap everything in cellophane and ordering bulk resources that use less packaging, every effort you make to reduce packaging is a major pay off for the planet.


Be Outside

One of the ways you can actively fight climate change is by getting out into nature. It’s easy to become switched off, apathetic or overwhelmed with so much going on in the world but the more you place yourself in nature, the more likely you are to be reminded about why its so important. When we place ourselves in the beauty of the world it can kickstart an active approach within us. Even if that doesn’t happen, you get to be present with Mother Nature.


Get Lobbying

Climate change is political and the more pressure we put on the people in power the more chance we have of helping to save our world. From signing petitions to writing to your local senator and lobbying for positive change, pressing for policies that encourage renewable energy and boycotting companies that have poor environmental actions, your voice is powerful so make sure it is heard.


Use Your Vote


Another way you can actively implement positive climate change is by choosing who you vote for based on their green policies. Politics is messy tricky business at the best of times, but the climate emergency matters and there will be politicians looking to introduce clear cut measures to take the pressure off. Before you choose who to vote for, it is always worth looking at their climate policy and considering this in the decision-making process.

Take it one step further and get involved in politics.

What small changes will you be making when it comes to fighting climate change and finding your own climate solutions? Share your tiny sword-wielding tactics with us in the comments and let’s build a bite-sized action plan for all.


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