12 Of Our Favorite Famous Scorpios (And Why We Love Them) – Sozy


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12 Of Our Favorite Famous Scorpios (And Why We Love Them)

famous scorpios

Scorpios have really made an epic turn around online in the past 5 years, from being one of the most despised zodiac signs to now arguably the most desired.

Do we love to hate them, or hate to love them?

We're going to look into some of Scorpio's most iconic traits for the answer to this burning question.

But that's not all, we'll also look to some famous people born with either their sun, moon, or rising sign in Scorpio (and some with all three) to see what it is about this sign that is so lust worthy, and sometimes untrustworthy.

True Scorpio Traits

There's no denying the sheer sex appeal of a Scorpio with men like Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Gosling, Drake, and Matthew McConaughey all having Scorpio season birthdays. But honestly, the women born under the sun in Scorpio could give them a run for their money with babes like the Bollywood icon Aishwarya Rai-who has been deemed the most beautiful woman in the world-Gabrielle Union, Scarlett Johansson, and Rachel McAdams to name a few.

But they aren't just good to look at, Scorpios also tend to be incredibly talented people. This is probably because they can become a little obsessive when they are really into something. So when they set their mind to a goal, whether it be for romance or fame, they won't stop until they get it. That's why there are so many famous Scorpio actors and musicians; Julia Roberts, Leonardo DiCaprio, Willow Smith, Diddy, and Pablo Picasso all have Scorpio birthdays.

Many political leaders throughout American and world history have been born under the sign of Scorpio as well; Bobby Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Theodore Roosevelt, Condoleezza Rice, Marie Antoinette, and current president Joe Biden are just a few of the Scorpio sign political elite.

Common Scorpio traits include:

  • Devoted
  • Determined
  • Hard-working
  • Obsessive
  • Curious
  • Loyal
  • Connection to the underdog
  • Challengers of convention
  • Suspicious and slow to trust

As powerful as they are, Scorpios often have a bad reputation. It's the cunning and powerful side of Scorpio that tends to rub some of us the wrong way.

Scorpios are hot, powerful and hard working, so what else is there to love-or hate-about them? let's look into some famous Scorpios to learn more.

Famous Scorpio suns that are just so Scorpio

Those born in Scorpio season tend to be mysterious, powerful, and sexy-just look at this epic line up of the celebrities born under the eighth astrological sign!


Georgia O'Keeffe

georgia o'keeffe

Birthday: November 15
Sun, moon, and rising: Scorpio, Scorpio, and Scorpio!

Yup, that's right, the prolific painter of skeletons herself is a triple Scorpio-you can't get more scorpionic than that! What is so amazing about this sign-which O'Keeffe exemplifies-is that they can find beauty in what others find to be dark and disturbing. They can turn the ugliest parts of existence into art, so maybe we all love Scorpios so much because they can see the beauty in our own darkness as well.


Stanley Tucci

stanley tucci

Birthday: November 11
Sun and moon: Scorpio and Leo

Stanley Tucci is an American actor and icon! You've seen him in a million different movies because he is a chameleon who can morph himself completely into whatever role he's playing. Scorpio is the sign of transformation, so it's no surprise that he is so good at turning himself into a new character for each of his projects.


Whoopi Goldberg

whoopi goldberg

Birthday: November 13
Sun, moon and rising: Scorpio, Scorpio, Aquarius

Whoopi Goldberg is a prime example of the old Scorpio adage, "mind your own business." You have to commend Goldberg for the fact that, despite being massively talented, and a now long standing television personality, she has always kept her private life, well, private! Whoopi Goldberg has been active in hollywood since 1982 and most people know literally nothing about her personal life, but the thing is, when a Scorpio does open up their heart and soul to you, you know that you're someone special because that's not something they do everyday. So whoever is close to Whoopi Goldberg is in an elite group.


Sylvia Plath

sylvia plath

Birthday: October 27
Sun, moon and rising: Scorpio, Libra, Aquarius

At this point in time Sylvia Plath is best known for the unique method she used to kill herself, which isn't surprising since death is one of the things Scorpio rules over. However, in her life's work she advanced the style of confessional poetry, which paved the way for modern greats like Rupi Kaur (who has a Scorpio venus herself). While most Scorpios value their privacy highly, it can be extremely cathartic, and sometimes necessary, for them to express the dark depths of their soul through the written word. It's Scorpio's honesty that we can't help but admire.


Penn Badgley

penn badgley

Birthday: November 1
Sun and moon: Scorpio and Scorpio

You're telling me that a Scorpio man played both Gossip Girl and a predatory stalker in the show You? I am *shocked* (kidding). But really, Penn Badgley's characters are a reflection of why this sign can be so polarizing: Scorpios can be amazing or terrible, sometimes both! We've all been burned by a Scorpio friend or lover at least once in our lives, but we should never let one bad apple put us off of a certain star sign for the rest of our lives.