Astrology is a dense and complex field of research that has long since tickled the minds of humans-almost as long as the idea of love and relationships itself-but is the secret for a perfect love match hidden in between the folds of our birth charts? Can our sun sign and the other signs in our chart tell us who is and isn't a good match for us?
Truly, there is no way to predict love or understand why we fall for the people that we do (it's a magical, messy and unpredictable anomaly), and yet people often turn to zodiac compatibility for just that sort of thing. The astrology of love and compatibility is just as complex and illusive as relationships themselves.
The Astrology of Compatibility
Zodiac Compatibility is about much more than just sun signs; too fully understand your compatibility with someone else using astrology you need to get a synastry reading done. However, we can wiggle around that a bit by looking into the archetypes of each of the signs to see which ones get along well with one another, which ones clash, which ones are better as friends, and which ones should avoid each other at all costs.
Astrology is heavily based in the Jungian idea of archetypes-a recurring symbol or theme-which is exactly what the 12 zodiac signs are, archetypes! These archetypes help us understand the complexities of the human personality, which can be extremely helpful when we are trying to deepen a love connection or strengthen a friendship.
For this article you're going to need to know the your sun sign, moon sign and rising sign as well as that of your crush, friend, parent, boss, and partner. These three signs make up the three most important aspects of your personality: your foundation, your emotions, and your world view. Compare Your sun, moon and rising with your partners to see if theses signs understand one another or if there are some challenges you need to work on.
Aries Compatibility
Fiery Aries is quick to catch feelings but also quick to drop out of them, so passionate partners who are on the same wave length as them is a must. Like all fire signs, they also have a lot of excitable energy, so they match best with people who are spontaneous and always down for an adventure. Freedom to do things on their own is very important to an Aries, so any sign of clinginess will scare them off.
- Best zodiac matches: Aries and Sagittarius
- Challenging zodiac matches: Cancer and Taurus
Taurus Compatibility
Taurus is a grounded, slow to action earth sign, but when a Taurus loves you they will love you for life. They need to build a solid foundation with a partner, whether it's platonic or romantic, so they value a strong bond built over time. They are the most sensual sign, so they are attracted to people who, like them, enjoy the finer things in life like fine dining, candles, good music, a spa day, etc. The key to their heart is through beautiful experiences.
- Best zodiac matches: Cancer and Leo
- Challenging zodiac matches: Sagittarius and Gemini
Gemini Compatibility
Mental stimulation is important for air signs like Gemini, you have to keep their mind entertained if you want to keep them around. They are the jokesters of the zodiac, so if you don't laugh at their jokes they probably will move on pretty quickly. This sign tends to have a flirty nature but it's just because they like making people feel good, so jealously isn't going to fly with these social butterflies.
- Best zodiac matches: Aquarius and Libra
- Challenging zodiac matches: Capricorn and Cancer
Cancer Compatibility
It's all about emotional connection for water signs, so anyone who isn't emotionally available, or even emotionally receptive, is a major turn off for Cancer. They want to feel heard and seen by their best friends and lovers, but once they do they are the most nurturing partners; making sure you're warm, well fed, and feeling good is how they show their love.
- Best zodiac matches: Capricorn and Taurus
- Challenging zodiac matches: Aquarius and Aries
Leo Compatibility
One of the fundamental things you have to know about the zodiac sign Leo is that their top love language is all 5 love languages. They dish out love hard but they expect it in return, and in equal measure. Leo is a heart ruled fire sign, so they aren't into any kind of relationship where the love isn't deep, pure, and lavishly expressed. Like minded fire signs usually understand that with Leo, it's all or nothing in this life!
- Best zodiac matches: Libra and Pisces
- Challenging zodiac matches: Aquarius and Virgo
Virgo Compatibility
As one of the earth signs, Virgo love is grounded and often times practical. They aren't quick to fall in love because they have a mental (and sometimes physical) check list of all the qualities they require in a partner. When it comes down to it, if you're going to be in a Virgo's life, you need to have the same values as them. However, they do love nothing more than a project, so don't be surprised if this sign falls for the type that needs a bit of saving.
- Best zodiac matches: Cancer and Scorpio
- Challenging zodiac matches: Pisces and Leo
Libra Compatibility
Libra is ruled by Venus, so romantic love is very important to this sign. Even their friendships are pretty flirty, so they're going to feel the best connection with people who are kind hearted and playful. You can't skimp out on any birthdays or anniversaries with Libra, all of that stuff is incredibly important to them. But don't forget, they are still an air sign, so being mentally stimulated in all their relationships is a must!
- Best zodiac matches: Leo and Gemini
- Challenging zodiac matches: Aries and Capricorn
Scorpio Compatibility
When it comes to Scorpio it's all about sexual chemistry, if you can win over their heart and their mind they will be in love. Scorpio is not the kind of water sign that will let down their guard easily, but they like it when you open up to them So, eventually, when when the relationship grows and you get past their tough exterior, you'll find that they are actually sweethearts that will do absolutely anything for the ones they love.
- Best zodiac matches: Capricorn and Virgo
- Challenging zodiac matches: Leo and Aquarius
Sagittarius Compatibility
To say Sagittarius is flighty is totally wrong they-just like any of the fire signs-just love their independence. They can be very committed in love, they just can't survive with a partner who needs their time and attention 24/7-this goes for their friendships as well. Plus, if you love a good debate, deep conversation, whistle blower documentaries, and weekend getaways they will really enjoy sharing their life with you.
- Best zodiac matches: Aquarius and Aries
- Challenging zodiac matches: Libra and Taurus
Capricorn Compatibility
Love is practical for the earth signs, but that doesn't mean that it isn't deep. Capricorn is a very committed sign, so whether they are loving you as a romantic partner or a friend, once you are in their heart you're there for good. Plus, Capricorn is the provider of the zodiac, so they'll prioritize your personal goals as high as their own if they love you. Just make sure you're always true to your word and show up when you say you will, if they feel like they can't trust you then it's never going to work out, friends or otherwise.
- Best zodiac matches: Scorpio and Virgo
- Challenging zodiac matches: Libra and Aries
Aquarius Compatibility
Aquarius is often thought to be quite the aloof lover, and that can definitely be true, but they are fierce friends. That's the thing about loving an Aquarius, friendship is paramount, so even if you're romantically involved, having a deep foundation of friendship is necessary. They actually tend to fall in love with their friends, so the friendzone might actually be the best place to be with this air sign.
- Best zodiac matches: Gemini and Sagittarius
- Challenging zodiac matches: Scorpio and Pisces
Pisces Compatibility
Pisces is a deeply emotional water sign, so when they love it can be all consuming; if you've ever wanted a song or a poem written about you, fall in love with a Pisces. If you don't have the emotional depth of a water sign you might find them to be overwhelming as partners, but truly they make some of the best lovers. As friends they're the type who would literally chop off a limb if that's what you needed them to do!
- Best zodiac matches: Taurus and Cancer
- Challenging zodiac matches: Gemini and Sagittarius
Popular Love Matches
When it comes to love there's often no rhyme or reason to explain why we feel the way we do, even some astrology pairs that shouldn't make sense absolutely do in the end. Here are some classic love pairs and why they just seem to work!
Cancer and Virgo compatibility
This pair is a great match and can create a lifelong healthy relationship, whether it be friendship or romance. Cancer may be the more overtly emotional sign out of the two but earth sign Virgo is always there to help listen and repair. Plus, when Virgo is ready to open up and share how they're feeling and what they need, Cancer is more than happy to play the role of the nurturer.
Aquarius and Virgo compatibility
These two make make a perfect team. They might start off as fremenies but with time it grows into a mutual respect and love. Both Aquarius and Virgo have a habit of thinking they are the smartest person in the room and they're not usually wrong, so they certainly meet their equal in one another. There is no shortage of amazing conversation and creative energy, plus with a little bit of friction there is always room for a romantic spark to grow.
Leo and Libra compatibility
These signs exude sparkle and shine, and can create a very passionate relationship! Both Leo and Libra have strong personalities, but what makes this a winning match is that both signs love to socialize and be around others who are just as exciting and fun loving as they are. Plus, there's no limit to the endless adoration that either sign is willing to dish out to a romantic partner or a friend. Other signs just don't understand their deep excitement and commitment to love and relationships quite like they do.
Leo and Capricorn compatibility
This match can be a hit or a miss-they'll love each other or hate each other. Both signs are ambitious and powerful, so they make for a serious power couple. Capricorn can inspire Leo to think long term and big picture with their goals, while Leo can inspire Capricorn to be more bold and take center stage in their life and work. A romantic relationship between these two signs is sure to be hot and steamy!
Taurus and Capricorn compatibility
These two signs have an easy-finish each other's sentences-kind of flow and are a perfect match for friendship or lifetime partnership. This kind of relationship is built on mutual trust, a love of the finer things in life, and a respect for one another's time. Outsiders may think these two signs are boring, but honestly Taurus and Capricorn have some of the best humor of the zodiac.
Taurus and Sagittarius compatibility
This is another spicy match where either the signs work and opposites attract, or they really don't. Both Taurus and Sagittarius love to enjoy life and that's the common ground that can cement them together, their differing opinions on how to do so is the spark that can keep things fun. Both signs know all the great places to go and the best places to eat. The only problem is if Taurus will be open to leaning into Sagittarius' spontaneous energy and try new things every so often, if so this is a wonderful match!
Scorpio and Cancer compatibility
Scorpio needs intellectual stimulation and Cancer has emotional needs, both of which can be met by the other person. Water signs make for some of the best matches for these two; for Cancer-whether it be platonic or romantic-they will be more than satisfied by how their Scorpio partner will listen to how they feel. Plus, Scorpio will always help them plan a revenge plot when needed. For Scorpio, Cancer is like a sweet soothing balm, they will be there for their highest highs and lowest lows. The emotions may run high in this house, but there is a potential for some beautiful emotional strength as well.