It’s All In You: 3 (Free!) Self Care Tips – Sozy


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It’s All In You: 3 (Free!) Self Care Tips


In a whirling world, taking care of ourselves first is something that often goes overlooked. Let’s make it crystal clear: make time for your sweet self!


Research shows we prevent physical and mental ailments when we take proper care of ourselves, and you’ll be able to show up in the world as the very best you if you do.


We often hear about self care as going out and getting or doing something, but you have everything you need inside you. Here are 3 totally free tips to self care, and all you need for them is to make time for yourself (which we agreed you’re going to do, right?)

Mindful Massage - Going out and getting a massage is a great treat, but there’s something extra special about giving yourself a massage. Heat up some oil, find a calm space where you won’t be disturbed, and as you massage your hands over your body, mindfully say (in your head or out loud) thank you to each part of you. Thank your feet for taking you everywhere you’ve ever been, thank your shoulders for carrying the weight of the world, and so on. After you thank each part of your body, say “I love you” to it.


More on Self Care - Your Best Morning Ever: 4 Steps to Try Now


Take a Tech Break - It’s no secret we’re totally addicted to our tech - but at what cost? Even if you have a job that requires you be frequently connected, there should be a time of every day (at the very least 1 hour before you go to sleep) that you can disconnect, turn your phone off, close your laptop, etc. This doesn’t mean switching from work to personal email, or browsing instagram instead of your blog feed. I am talking no tech. What to do without it? 

  • Go outside (breathe fresh air)
  • Read a book (feed your mind)
  • Color or draw (nourish your inner child)
  • Listen to music (yes you can use your phone for this, but turn off the ringer and don’t stare at it)
  • Sit in silence or meditate 
  • Journal (list your gratitudes or accomplishments)

If this is uncomfortable to you, take it as a sign you need to do it more ;)



Move Your Body - Physically moving around both releases happy chemicals in our bodies and helps us to literally and figuratively get unstuck.



You don’t have to sign up for a gym or take a big step in order to make movement a part of your day; if you work in an office, set an alarm on your phone to walk outside a few times a day, add a short yoga practice to your morning first thing  (there are 1 million on youtube), or my personal favorite, take time to put on a fun playlist and dance around while you make dinner for yourself - 2 acts of self care in 1! Skeptical? Just try to dance to a happy song without a smile on your face. 


Whatever should I be dancing to? We've got you covered - Dance It Out: Sozy Playlist 


Lastly and most importantly, go easy on yourself. You're doing great. Let us know your favorite form of self care in the comments!

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