7 Ways Tight Clothes Could Be Killing Your Health – Sozy


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7 Ways Tight Clothes Could Be Killing Your Health

Jodie Oaks


Slipping into something sexy tends to be synonymous with slipping into something tight and cute. While it may make you feel good on the outside, tight clothes aren't actually a happy choice for your health.

In fact, tight clothes are packed with a ton of problems.

From squeezing into skinny jeans to sucking in every nook and cranny to cram into those skintight dresses, pants that cling to every curve and even gym clothes that vacuum pack every piece of flesh...

...along with being uncomfortable, these type of clothes could have long-term ramifications on your health and wellbeing.

Here, we uncover (no pun intended) the truth about tight-fitting garments and we bust open the myths that beauty is pain and loose-fitting clothes are for slobbing around the house only. We are firm believers in comfort being classy, cute, and downright sexy.

After all, what's more charming than someone who is relaxed and happy? Let's take a look at how tight clothing is playing havoc on your health.


7 Things You Didn’t Know Could Happen When You Wear Tight Clothes

Of course, we totally support everyone in wearing whatever makes them feel good mentally. We just want to make sure you have the lowdown on what certain clothes can do to you physically so you can make an informed decision when choosing what to wear. Check out these potential side effects that can be triggered by tight clothes.


1. Can Trigger a Nerve Condition


While you may be in love with the rock star look of tight skinny jeans, they can actually trigger a nerve condition called meralgia paresthetica. Yikes.

This condition shows when tight pants press against the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and can cause a tingling feeling in the thighs, lead to pain or numbness, and make your ankles and feet feel weak.

Research has shown that this issue seems to have a correlation with those who wear shapewear or garments designed to flatten the stomach. While it is likely to go away when switching to looser free-flowing fabric, this is your body's way of crying out for help.

Ben Tanner, a Physician's Assistant from FastingWell, has treated a few patients with meralgia paresthetica and it wasn't pretty. 

Basically, they have numbness and tingling on the outside of their thigh, as a result of compression on one of their nerves. This often results from people who wear construction belts, but also from anyone who wears tight pants, especially with a tight waist.


This condition can also be worsened by wearing high heels with jeans as it tilts the pelvis forward adding further compression and strain.


2. Can Irritate Skin Conditions


Our skin needs to breathe, but when we don tight-fitting clothes, we invite the fabric to rub against our skin which can cause skin inflammation. This is especially problematic for anyone who suffers from sensitive skin or conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or is prone to rashes because of certain sensitivities.

Having clothes pressing tight against body areas can lead to interactions with dyes or chemicals within the fabric which is why space, air, and plenty of room to breathe is so important.

When we disturb our delicate skin barrier we provide an 'in' for all kinds of fungal infections, bacterial infections, and even viral infections too. Wearing tight clothing can also lead to hair follicles on your legs becoming infected especially for those who shave their legs then don a pair of tight leggings or pants that further add to the irritation.


3. Can Lead to Yeast Infections


Anyone who has been at the mercy of yeast infections knows that some of the advice given is to wear light cotton panties to help the area to breathe. A yeast infection may be one of the most common health problems that will arise from wearing too tight trousers, tight jeans, leggings, sports clothing or shapewear and even tight underwear.

This is because too tight clothing can raise your body temperature and make you sweat more, which is exactly the kind of environment that bacteria loves - especially around the groin area.

Tight synthetic material will also keep that moisture in place, which is why loose flowing pants or beautiful baggy clothes on sweaty summer days is so important to keep you cool and fresh and in the clear when it comes to any kind of fungal infection.


4. Can Contribute to Stomach Issues


Tight-fitting clothing and, in particular, anything with a tight waistband can cause discomfort in the stomach. There's nothing worse than feeling that band cutting into you as you sit down.

But the problems of a tight waistband go beyond pressure and discomfort. They can even be bad for your digestive system and can encourage stomach acid to rise. Not only will a pressure point waist squish your organs, but tight trousers can also push stomach acid up the esophagus which can lead to acid reflux and heartburn.

Tanner says the digestive issues are caused by the tight clothing because "they don't allow your intestines and stomach to move freely as they're trying to contract and push food along." Instead, the intestines are stuffed into a small space and unable to support the digestive process.


5. Can Add to Poor Circulation


A tight skirt, tight dress, or even a tight bra can all dig in and cut off easy free-flowing blood circulation. Having poor circulation is bad news, especially for those who are already at risk for health issues like deep vein thrombosis or blood clots due to sitting for extended periods of time or being over their recommended weight or due to age, poor immune system etc.

Having good circulation and healthy blood flow is essential to our long term health so skip that tight pencil skirt and slip into some loose pants instead.


6. Can Lead to Spine and Muscle Issues


Skinny jeans, pencil skirts, structured dresses, a tight jacket, a heavy shoulder bag, and a spiky high heel - all these fashion choices can lead to spinal disorders and muscle problems as they have a knock-on effect on the way your muscles and spine stay in good working condition.

There has been a ton of research into high heels and the problems they can cause with the back and the spine but when combined with tight clothing this can wreak all kinds of havoc causing everything from muscle pinch to carpal tunnel, arthritis, and even balance issues.



7. Can Make You Faint


We only need to look back to a time when a young woman would sport a corset as the go-to fashion style to see the issues caused by tight clothes. Corsets came with all kinds of trouble and were designed to pinch in the waist to impossible dimensions.

Thankfully, corsets are no more but that doesn't mean they haven't been replaced by another style of tight garment instead.

We have swapped the corsets for spandex and tight tops and the result remains the same. Any tight top can restrict your breathing and not allow your lungs to suck in as much air as they need.

The short term result is you face down on the floor; the long term is decreased oxygen intake. In a similar vein, shirts and ties that are too tight around the neck can decrease circulation to the brain, leading to headaches, fuzziness, and blurred vision.


We are all about soft and cozy comfort here at Sozy. We are tired of buying into the myth that beauty is pain and that women should suffer to look good in the eyes of society. We truly believe there is nothing more beautiful than someone who feels comfortable and empowered when it comes to what they wear and we think that being at ease can come from outfits that make us feel fine without causing the decline of our health and wellbeing. Here's to being comfortable, cozy, and cool in clothing that doesn't hem us in.

What's your experience with tight clothes? Are you in the habit or have you swapped out your spandex for a looser style? Share all your thoughts with us in the comments.


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